Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The emotion I chose was happiness and the colors I used to represent this emotion were orange, yellow, and blue. I chose them because I wanted to convey that happieness can be an very exciting thing that has lots of movement and energy but can also be something more constant and long lasting (that is where the blue comes into play).

By the end of part 1 my color story had eveolved from my wanting to show happiness as something that grows from inside you to something that may have multiple sources contributing to one overall feeling. I broke up my grid to give the feeling of unconfined movement as happiness is not restrained and also to show that there can be multiple sources of happiness that you are not seeing in this grid/image.

My language/type tries to complement the first story by fitting into the grid's white space and act as more of a compliment to happiness that to tell the same story. I wanted to give the viewer something different to look at while still keeping the focus on the first grid. ( I was thinking they would be displayed side by side and have the two posters work together to reinforce the original feeling and story of happiness). After class discussion I am going to try to continue the same story but offer my type poster as an additional source of happiness that you do not see in the original grid poster.

The grid played a huge role in both projects. The first project the grid is very visible and established. I was able to use the grid by breaking apart the outer boarder to show motion and give it a whimsical feel. In the type project I used the grid once more, this time not giving the viewer much of a grid feeling at all but to fill in the white space left in the first poster.

The effects the chosen typeface gave to my poster added to the whimsical feel of happiness. The e of the font is slanted to make it look like it is laughing. It is a nice thin font as well and I think the round geometric style appealing balanced look and feel.

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