Monday, October 3, 2011


The story (below) is of an adventure. The dot out on a path moves quickly in some places and has to slow down in others. There are some obstacles along the way and sometimes the road gets blurry and some paths need to be chosen. When encountering the open white space originally I had imagined that the dot gets lost and turns back to the path, but after class like the idea that the dot goes back for more instead of the freedom of the white space.

I chose points for my story because I didn't want lines to be guiding or setting the path. I liked the idea of huge dots creating a path or a boarder that the smaller dot could not get through and would be forced to follow a path. The story might be different in the other medium by being more rigid and having a distinct path. There also would be a need for many more lines to fill up enough space to avoid having to much white space.

The photography of my cube helped to change the story by adding some blurry photos and shots with the cube not being in the center of the image. Being able to control the viewers eye helped me guide them from the left to right and added to the effect of following a path on a journey.

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